Changzhou Jiahao Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Jiahao Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd.


First, household air conditioning

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
C1Fault arc protectionH2Electrostatic dust removal protection
C2Leakage protectionH3Compressor overload protection
C3Wrong wire protectionH4System abnormality (high temperature shutdown protection)
C4No grounding wireH5Module protection
C5Jumper cap fault protectionH6No feedback from indoor unit PG motor (fan stalling 0)
CDAlarm for high concentration of carbon dioxide detectionH7Synchronization failure (compressor phase current overcurrent)
CPAnti cold wind protectionH8Indoor unit water full protection
DEAnti freezing protectionH9Electric heating tube malfunction
E0The overall AC voltage drops and the frequency decreasesHCPFC overcurrent protection
E1System high voltage protectionHECompressor demagnetization protection
E2Indoor side anti freezing protectionHPIndoor unit high temperature protection
E3System low voltage protectionL2Water tank level switch malfunction
E4Compressor exhaust protectionL9High power protection
E5Low voltage overcurrent protectionLcStartup failed
E6Communication malfunctionLCKey lock
E7Pattern ConflictLDPhase loss protection (compressor three-phase unbalance protection)
E8High temperature protectionLECompressor blockage protection
E9Anti cold wind protectionLPIndoor and outdoor unit models do not match
ECIncorrect or invalid operationPOMinimum cooling or heating
EEStorage chip failure/indoor PCB board failureP1Nominal (rated) cooling or heating
F0Fluorine collection mode (system fluorine deficiency or blockage protection)P2Maximum cooling or heating
F1Indoor environment temperature sensing bulb open/short circuitP3Intermediate cooling or heating
F2Indoor evaporator temperature sensing bulb open/short circuitedP7Malfunction of radiator temperature sensing bulb
F3Outdoor environment temperature sensing bulb open/short circuitP8The temperature of the heat sink is too high
F4Outdoor condenser temperature sensing bulb open/short circuitedPHThe input voltage of the DC bus is too high
F5Outdoor exhaust temperature sensing bulb open/short circuitPLThe input voltage of the DC bus is too low
F6Refrigeration overload frequency reductionPUCapacitor charging fault
F7Refrigeration return oilU1Compressor phase current detection circuit fault
F8Excessive current leads to frequency reductionU3DC bus voltage drop
F9Exhaust too high, frequency reductionU5Whole machine current detection fault
FAExcessive tube temperature leads to frequency reductionU7Abnormal directional change of four-way valve
FCSliding door malfunctionU8PG motor zero crossing detection fault
FEOutdoor overload temperature sensor failureU9External machine zero crossing fault
FHAnti freezing and frequency reductionUAOn site setting error, abnormal internal and external matching
FPIndoor sensor detection malfunctionUFZero crossing anomaly
H0Heating, high temperature prevention, and frequency reductionUHNo feedback from outdoor motor
H1Outdoor unit defrostingULThe exhaust temperature sensor has detached
  UPThe temperature of the outdoor electrical box is too high

Two, multi-online

  1. Digital multi-online outdoor unit
Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor high pressure protectionP5Compressor current protection
E2Indoor antifreeze protectionPLDC bus voltage low protection
E3Compressor low pressure protectionLcCompressor startup failed
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protection/oil temperature high temperature protectionHcPFC module protection
E5Compressor overcurrent protection/compressor and fan drive failureLEStall
E6Communication malfunctionPODrive module reset
E7Pattern ConflictH7Compressor motor out of step
EAOil solenoid valve protectionLdLack of phase
F4Outdoor environment temperature sensor malfunctionP6Communication failure from the variable frequency drive section to the main control
F5Outdoor host inlet temperature sensor malfunctionH5IPM module protection
F6The temperature sensor in the middle of the outdoor host is malfunctioningLFspeeding
F7Outdoor host outlet temperature sensor malfunctionPdSensor connection protection
F8Host fixed frequency compressor 1 exhaust temperature sensor malfunctionPEWarm drift protection
F9The exhaust temperature sensor of the host digital press is faultyP9Communication contactor protection
FAEngine fixed frequency compressor 1 oil temperature sensor malfunctionE1High voltage protection
FbHost digital press oil temperature sensor malfunctionE3Low voltage protection
FcHigh voltage sensor malfunctionE4Exhaust protection
FdLow pressure sensor malfunctionH3The compressor comes with overload protection
FELack of refrigerant protectionE6Communication failure (between internal and external devices, and handheld device)
b5Outdoor sub machine inlet temperature sensor malfunctionF4Outdoor environment temperature sensing head malfunction
b6Fault in the temperature sensor in the middle of the outdoor sub unitF5Outdoor coil inlet temperature sensing head malfunction
b7Outdoor sub unit outlet temperature sensor malfunctionF6Outdoor coil middle temperature sensing head malfunction
b8Fixed frequency compressor 2 exhaust temperature sensor malfunctionF7Outdoor coil outlet temperature sensing head malfunction
b9Fixed frequency compressor 3 exhaust temperature sensor malfunctionF9Variable frequency exhaust temperature sensor malfunction
bAFixed frequency compressor 2 oil temperature sensor malfunctionPAAC current protection (input side)
bbFixed frequency compressor 3 oil temperature sensor malfunctionPFDriver board environmental temperature sensing package malfunction
PHDC bus voltage high protectionPPAbnormal AC input voltage
P8IPM or PFC module overheat protectionC5Jumper cap malfunction
PcCurrent detection circuit malfunctionPUCharging circuit problem
P7IPM or PFC module temperature sensor malfunctionH6DC motor without speed feedback fault

2. Multi-connection indoor unit (except intelligent multi-connection)

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
CCRemote lockingEEKey lock
CHConflict flag with valid main manipulatorEHAuxiliary electric heating malfunction
CLClear the wire controller logoFOIndoor environmental temperature sensor malfunction
E1Compressor high pressure protectionF1Indoor unit inlet pipe temperature sensor malfunction
E2Indoor antifreeze protectionF2Indoor unit middle temperature sensor malfunction
E3Compressor low pressure protectionF3Indoor unit outlet temperature sensor malfunction
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protection/oil temperature high temperature protectionF4Outdoor environment temperature sensor malfunction
E5Compressor overcurrent protection/compressor and fan drive failureF5Outdoor unit inlet pipe temperature sensor malfunction
E6Communication malfunctionF6Fault in the temperature sensor in the middle of the outdoor unit
E7Pattern ConflictF7Outdoor unit outlet temperature sensor malfunction
E8Indoor fan overload protectionF8Fault in exhaust temperature sensor of fixed frequency compressor
E9/EbFull water protection 

3. Intelligent multi-unit indoor unit

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor high pressure protectionE9/EbFull water protection
E2Indoor antifreeze protectionEEKey lock
E3Compressor low pressure protectionEHAuxiliary electric heating malfunction
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protectionF0Indoor environmental temperature sensor malfunction
E5Compressor overcurrent protectionF1Indoor unit evaporator temperature sensor malfunction
E6Communication malfunctionF2Condenser temperature sensor malfunction
E7Pattern ConflictF3Outdoor environment temperature sensor malfunction
E8Indoor fan overcurrent protectionF4Exhaust temperature sensor malfunction

3. Air pipe machine

(1) Universal model

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E0Water pump malfunction (new air duct)EHAuxiliary electric heating malfunction
E1Compressor high pressure protectionF0Indoor environmental temperature sensor malfunction
E2Indoor antifreeze protectionF1Indoor unit evaporator temperature sensor malfunction
E3Compressor low pressure protectionF2Condenser temperature sensor malfunction
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protectionF3Outdoor environment temperature sensor malfunction
E5Compressor overcurrent protectionF4Exhaust temperature sensor malfunction
E6Communication malfunctionF5Monitor environmental temperature sensor malfunction
E8Indoor fan malfunctionFFSee note
E9Full water protectionC5Jumper cap malfunction

2. Gree Central air conditioning C1, C3, C3+, D and CF kitchen and other series of air duct machines For details, see: One article read Gree Central air conditioning duct machine fault code

Four, the new fan:

(1) Fresh air treatment unit:

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor high pressure protectionF1Indoor inlet pipe temperature sensing bulb malfunction
E2Anti low temperature (anti freezing)F2Indoor central temperature sensor malfunction
E3Compressor low pressure protectionF3Indoor outlet pipe temperature sensing bulb malfunction
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protectionF4Outdoor environmental temperature sensor malfunction
E5Compressor overcurrent protectionF5Outdoor inlet pipe temperature sensing bulb malfunction
E6Communication malfunctionF6Outdoor central temperature sensor malfunction
E7Pattern ConflictF7Outdoor outlet pipe temperature sensing bulb malfunction
E8Overload protection for internal fanF8Exhaust temperature sensing bulb 1 (fixed frequency) malfunction
E9Full water protectionF9Exhaust temperature sensing bulb 2 (frequency converter) malfunction
FcHigh pressure valve malfunctionFAOil temperature sensing bulb 1 (fixed frequency) malfunction
FdLow pressure valve malfunctionFbOil temperature sensing bulb 2 (frequency converter) malfunction
EHAuxiliary electric heating malfunctionCLClear the main controller logo
H6PG motor stalling protectionNoNo main indoor unit code
F0Indoor environmental temperature sensor malfunction 

(2) Full heat fresh air ventilation unit:

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E6Communication malfunctionL1Humidity sensor malfunction
 F0Indoor environmental temperature sensor malfunction L0Malfunctions in the air valve and related components or wiring errors in the centralized control of the air valve
F3Outdoor outlet pipe temperature sensing bulb malfunction 

5. (Villa) Household machine

(1) Single system

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor high pressure protectionE6Pump overload protection
E2System antifreeze protectionE7Water flow switch protection
E3Compressor low pressure protectionE8Fan 1 overload protection
E4Compressor exhaust temperature protectionE9System 1: High temperature protection
E5Compressor overload protectionb1Compressor 2 high pressure protection
E6Pump overload protectionb2System 2 anti freezing protection
E7Water flow switch protectionb3Compressor 2 low pressure protection
E8Fan overload protectionb4Compressor 2 Exhaust Temperature Protection
E9System anti high temperature protectionb5Compressor 2 overload protection
F1Antifreeze temperature sensor malfunctionb8Fan 2 overload protection
F3Defrost temperature sensor malfunctionb9System 2 Anti high temperature
F5Exhaust temperature sensor malfunctionF1Antifreeze temperature sensor 1 malfunction
F7Outdoor environmental temperature sensorF2Antifreeze temperature sensor 2 malfunction
F8Inlet water temperature sensor malfunctionF3Defrost temperature sensor 1 malfunction
F9Water outlet temperature sensor malfunctionF4Defrost temperature sensor 2 malfunction
ECcommunication failureF5Exhaust temperature sensor 1 malfunction
E1Compressor 1 high pressure protectionF6Exhaust temperature sensor 2 malfunction
E2System 1 anti freezing protectionF7Outdoor environment temperature sensor malfunction
E3Compressor 1 low pressure protectionF8Inlet water temperature sensor
E4Compressor 1 Exhaust Temperature ProtectionF9Water outlet temperature sensor
E5Compressor 1 overload protectionECcommunication failure

(2) Floor heating unit

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor 1 high pressure protectionb5Compressor 2 overload protection
E2System One Anti Freeze Protectionb8Fan 2 overload protection
E3Compressor 1 low pressure protectionb9System 2 Anti high temperature
E4Compressor 1 Exhaust Temperature ProtectionF1Antifreeze temperature sensor 1 malfunction
E5Compressor 1 overload protectionF2Antifreeze temperature sensor 2 malfunction
E6Pump overload protectionF3Defrost temperature sensor 1 malfunction
E7Water flow switch malfunctionF4Defrost temperature sensor 2 malfunction
E8Fan 1 overload protectionF5Exhaust temperature sensor 1 malfunction
E9System One: High Temperature PreventionF6Exhaust temperature sensor 2 malfunction
b1Compressor 2 high pressure protectionF7Outdoor environment temperature sensor malfunction
b2System 2 anti freezing protectionF8Inlet water temperature sensor malfunction
b3Compressor 2 low pressure protectionF9Water outlet temperature sensor malfunction
b4Compressor 2 Exhaust Temperature ProtectionECcommunication failure

6. Unit unit (air-cooled cold air type)

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor 1 high pressure protectionC1Compressor 3 high pressure protection
E2System 1 anti freezing protectionC2System 3 anti freezing protection
E3Compressor 1 low pressure protectionC3Compressor 3 low pressure protection
E4Compressor 1 Exhaust High Temperature ProtectionC4Compressor 3 Exhaust High Temperature Protection
E5Compressor 1 overcurrent protectionC5Compressor 3 overcurrent protection
b1Compressor 2 high pressure protectionC6Condenser 3 sensor malfunction
b2System 2 anti freezing protectionC7Evaporator 3 sensor malfunction
b3Compressor 2 low pressure protectionFOIndoor environment sensor malfunction
b4Compressor 2 Exhaust High Temperature ProtectionF1Evaporator 1 sensor malfunction
b5Compressor 2 overcurrent protectionF2Condenser 1 sensor malfunction
b6Condenser 2 sensor malfunctionF3Outdoor environment sensor malfunction
b7Evaporator 2 sensor malfunctionF5Exhaust temperature sensor 1 malfunction
ECcommunication failureF6Exhaust temperature sensor 2 malfunction
EEStorage chip malfunctionF7Exhaust temperature sensor 2 malfunction
E0Water flow switch malfunctionF9Supply fan thermal overcurrent
E8Supply fan thermal overcurrent 

 7. Constant temperature and humidity machine

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor 1 high pressure protectionb5Compressor 2 overcurrent protection
E2Compressor 1 anti freezing protectionF0Return air temperature sensor malfunction
E3Compressor 1 low pressure protectionF1Antifreeze sensor 1 protection
E5Compressor 1 overcurrent protectionF2Antifreeze sensor 2 protection
blCompressor 2 high pressure protectionF4Exhaust sensor 1 protection
b2Compressor 2 anti freezing protectionF5Exhaust sensor 2 protection
b3Compressor 2 low pressure protectionF8Humidifier malfunction protection
b4Compressor 2 Exhaust High Temperature ProtectionF9Centrifugal fan overcurrent protection

8. Water ring heat pump unit

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
E1Compressor high pressure protectionE9Full water protection
E2System antifreeze protectionECWater temperature exceeding the limit fault
E3Compressor low pressure protectiond1UV malfunction
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protectiond2Electrostatic dust removal malfunction
E5Compressor overcurrent protectionFOIndoor temperature sensor malfunction
E6Communication FailureF1Evaporator temperature sensor malfunction
 E7 Water flow switch protection F3Water system antifreeze sensor malfunction (B-series unit displays water temperature over limit protection)
E8Indoor fan overcurrent protectionF4Exhaust temperature sensor malfunction

9. Hot water air conditioning unit

Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
F3Outdoor environment temperature sensor malfunctionL6Insufficient crew capacity
F4Exhaust temperature sensor malfunctionL7Water pressure switch protection
F5Outdoor inlet temperature sensor malfunctionC8Fault in the temperature sensor at the bottom of the water tank
F6Outdoor central temperature sensor malfunction1VERSION
F6Outdoor heat exchanger tube temperature sensing bulb malfunction2Outlet water temperature
F7Outdoor outlet temperature sensor malfunction3Inlet water temperature
F8Inlet water temperature sensor malfunction4Outdoor ambient temperature
F9Water outlet temperature sensor malfunction5User side temperature
FdReturn air temperature sensor malfunction6Outdoor inlet pipe temperature 1
FEUser side water temperature sensor malfunction7Outdoor inlet pipe temperature 2*
FLTemperature sensor malfunction in the middle of the water tank8Exhaust temperature 1
E1Compressor high pressure protection9Exhaust temperature 2*
E3Compressor low pressure protection10Outdoor outlet temperature 1
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protection11Outdoor outlet temperature 2*
E6Communication Failure12Water tank temperature (commercial machine)
E0Pump overcurrent protection Reserved (for home use)
EFExternal fan overcurrent protection13reserve
EHAuxiliary electric heating protection14reserve
EdSystem anti high temperature protection15reserve
EcWater flow switch protection16Reserved (commercial aircraft)
L2Water tank level switch malfunction Water tank temperature (household unit)
d2Automatic antifreeze protection in winter17reserve
L5Circulating water temperature sensor malfunction (RSZ series direct heating water heater)18Water temperature in the middle of the water tank
 Water tank temperature sensor malfunction (commercial direct circulation water heater)19Upper water temperature of the water tank
Fault codeFault contentFault codeFault content
F0Indoor temperature sensor malfunctionE5Compressor overcurrent protection
F1Evaporator temperature sensor malfunctionE6Communication Failure
F2Condenser temperature sensor malfunctionLIpower-off protection
F3Outdoor temperature sensor malfunctionL2Low voltage protection of battery
F4Exhaust temperature sensor malfunctionL3DC fan malfunction
F5Water outlet temperature sensor/humidity sensorEHAuxiliary electric heating protection
E1Compressor high pressure protectionLHAlarm for high indoor ambient temperature
E2Indoor antifreeze protectionLLAlarm for low indoor ambient temperature
E3Compressor low pressure protectionELFire Alarm
E4Compressor exhaust high temperature protectionL4Filter blockage alarm
Gree Household Airconditioning, Multi-on-line, Duct and Unit Fault Code Interpretation


